Elizabeth Pratt – Posture Alignment Specialist After experiencing tiring and frustrating pain symptoms in my left shoulder, neck and elbow at the age of 36, I knew I had to find a solution to my problem. I began trying many different approaches to relieve my symptoms such as GP, specialist and many other therapies. After each appointment my symptoms would initially improve but I felt frustrated when the pain quickly returned. This led me to start looking for more of a long term solution where I could heal myself given the right tools, this led me to the Egoscue Method. After reading the Egoscue books and having my first therapy session with an Egoscue Therapist, I knew the method made sense and it was a completely different approach to what I had previously tried. I was amazed and fascinated by the results I had experienced during and after using the method that I decided to complete the Posture Alignment Specialist course through the Egoscue University, in 2019. This method has transformed my life! the way I think about pain and the human body has completely changed. The difference is the method treats the body as a unit rather than just treating the symptoms. I am passionate about sharing what I have learnt to help others increase functional mobility in order to live an active and pain free life. I’m not medically trained in the conventional way but I am a fully qualified Posture Alignment Specialist. After completing the course, I now have the tools to help you wake up sleepy dysfunctional muscles to improve your posture, alleviate pain and improve overall health. My clients commitment, results and feedback support the effectiveness of this method. I am based just outside Chester in Cheshire near the World famous Chester Zoo is located.