
Are you drinking enough water?

I bet, you may have been told many times before that you need to drink more water! but most of us we really do. Chronically dehydrated people can lose their thirst response signal, instead of sending the signal the body can react in a different ways ie swollen ankles, bowel problems and pain.

Less water consumption can hamper the body’s attempts at regulating temperature. One sign of dehydration is when your eyes feel tired as the eye focuses by using muscles. If the muscles aren’t getting the nutrients they need ie water,  they will become tired. When your eyes start to tire it’s quite common to blame your computer screen or driving for a long time, instead of thinking am I dehydrated?

Some benefits of drinking enough water include increased energy, fewer headaches, better bowel function, clearer skin, fewer tummy aches, longer periods of concentration and reduced cravings for sugar.

One of the best ways to wake up your thirst response is to get into the habit of drinking more water, in time you will start to notice you feel thirsty again.

Pete Egoscue offers a formula for how much water to drink daily: divide your body weight in half and then convert that to ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of water a day.

And on that note, I’m off to get a glass of water!

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