Improve Sporting Performance

‘Bones do what muscles tell them to do’ Egoscue Method 

Functional strength is not the ability to lift more weight, jump higher, or run faster than others. In fact, functional strength is actually determined by a person’s ability to retain structural integrity under duress.

Without adequate movement demand, dysfunctions, limitations, compensations and pain can occur. When this happens movement gradually becomes more and more difficult. This is true even for athletes and people who exercise on a regular basis.

When muscles are at their right length and tension they will have full flexibility, strength and power which can be applied to your favourite sport or workout routine. This in turn can make you stronger, faster and boost performance.

Certain sports and activities are not necessarily bad for us, simply because they induce pain. For example, if golf causes you back pain, every other golfer would also be suffering from back pain and they are not. If we experience pain during a sport or activity, it is because the body is not balanced or aligned. Taking painkillers, limiting  or stopping activities are ways to deal with the pain, but until the source of the pain is corrected, our ability to move functionally will be impaired and our choices of activity will decrease.

Your personalised E-cise (Egoscue exercises) plans are designed to restore proper function for sports and daily activities. By applying the functional demand E-cises require, biomechanical and neuromuscular improvements are made. If you want to improve your performance or continue to play your favorite sport pain free, contact me today by completing the form on the contact us page.