Reduce Your Risk Of Future Injuries

‘Every system of the body is energised by motion’ Egoscue Method

Having a sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons for compromised posture. We are simply not moving enough and in the right way to keep the body in balance. Posture Alignment Therapy will help wake up sleepy muscles to align your joints and make you more balanced so you experience a reduction in symptoms allowing you to get on with your daily life.

Whatever your age, moving your body in the right way will improve your balance and help prevent injury. Using the Egoscue Method, I focus on why you have pain or symptoms in your body and I give you the tools for you to take ownership of your own health by bringing the body back into alignment. You will see and feel the effects such as improved balance after the first session and then consolidate the results by doing the exercises regularly and attending further appointments allowing you to enjoy a pain free active lifestyle.